1- Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch , myektayar@iausdj.ac.ir 2- Kurdistan University 3- Isfahan University 4- Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch
Abstract: (18444 Views)
Background and Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of different exercises including resistance, endurance and combined exercise training with equal intensity on some cardiovascular risk factors.
Materials and Methods: 40 middle-aged healthy men were selected from academic and working staff of Azad University in Sanandaj and randomly divided into four groups including (G1: Endurance training, G2: resistance training, G3: combined endurance and resistance training, and control groups. The experimental groups 1, 2 and 3, trained endurance exercise for 8 weeks. Levels of HDL, LDL, TG, TC, Apo A, Apo B, ratio of Apo B / Apo A, and LPL were measured before and after exercise.
Results: The levels of Apo B and Apo B/Apo A ratio decreased significantly in G3 group (P <0.05). TG and LDL levels decreased significantly in G1 and G3 groups (P <0.05). Ratio and HDL levels reduced significantly in G2 group (P <0.05). LPL, TC and Apo A levels did not show any significant change in the groups.
Conclusion: Various exercise trainings have beneficial effects on some indicators of cardiovascular risk factors in healthy middle-aged people. But it seems that a combination of resistance and endurance trainings has higher efficacy on cardiac risk factors than strength or endurance exercise training alone.
Key words: combined training, endurance training, resistance training, levels of plasma lipids and lipoproteins.
Received: Nov 16, 2010 Accepted: Sep 17, 2011
Conflict of interest: Nill
Yektayar M, Mohammadi S, Ahmadi Deharshid K, Khodamoradpour M. Comparison of the effects of resistance, endurance and combined exercises on lipid profile of non- athlete healthy middle aged men. SJKU 2012; 16 (4) :26-36 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-649-en.html