1- MSc graduate, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran 2- Associated Professor, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran. 3- Assistant Professor, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran , s.ghaffarian@azruniv.ac.ir
Abstract: (1515 Views)
ABSTRACT Background andAim:HOTAIR is a long noncoding RNA, that is transcribed from the antisense strand of the homeobox C gene and acts as an oncogene. The aim of this study was to assess the association of HOTAIR (rs920778 C>T) genepolymorphism with the risk of thyroid cancer in the northwest of Iran. Materials and Methods:In this case-control study we investigated association of HOTAIR (rs920778 C>T) gene polymorphism with thyroid cancer susceptibility in a statistical population consisting of 109 patients and 198 healthy controls by PCR-PFLP. Statistical analysis was performed using javastat online statistics package and SPSS V.26. Results:The frequency rates of TT, CC, and TC genotypes were 46.78%, 29.35%, and 23.85% in the case group, and 38.88%, 20.20%, and 40.90% in the control group respectively. Statistical analysis showed a significant association between TC genotype (p-value=0.003) (OR=0.452, CI 95%=0.268-0.764) and thyroid cancer risk. Also, C and T allele frequency rates, were 41.28% and 58.71% in the case group and 40.65% and 59.34% in the control group respectively. There was no significant relationship between T (p-value=0.088) and C (p-value=0.088) allele frequency rates and thyroid cancer risk in the northwest of Iran. Conclusion: These findings suggested that rs920778 C>T polymorphism may be associated with increased susceptibility of thyroid cancer in the northwest of Iran. There was no significant association between rs920778C >T polymorphism and patient’s pathologicalcharacteristics consisting of age, tumor grade, lymph node involvement, side involved, tumor size, tumor stage and type of thyroid tumor.
Khalili Namarvar M, Pouladi N, Ghaffarin S. Association of HOTAIR (rs920778 C>T) Polymorphism with Thyroid Cancer Susceptibility in the Northwest of Iran. SJKU 2022; 27 (4) :1-12 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-6611-en.html