1- department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Neonatal and Maternal Research Center,Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,Mashhad,Iran , GhomianN@mums.ac.ir 2- department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Neonatal and Maternal Research Center,Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,Mashhad,Iran
Abstract: (1873 Views)
Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cord arterial blood gas (ABG) indices and early neonatal complications in neonates born with fetal distress and also the threshold level of measured values for the risk assessment of complications.
Materials and Methods: 221 mothers with fetal distress who met our inclusion criteria participated in this 12 month cross-sectional study in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences from 2015 to 2016 . Blood samples were taken from umbilical artery of the neonates after birth. Early perinatal complications and their association with PH and BE at birth and 8 hours later and also the diagnostic values of the afore mentioned values were evaluated.
Results: 221 pregnant mothers at 37-41 weeks of gestation (mean gestational age of 38 weeks and 4 days) who had developed fetal distress during hospitalization were entered into the study. Seizure (p<0/01), jaundice (p<0/015), gasterointestrinal complication (p<0/01) ,NICU haspitalization ≥ 1 week (p< 0/001) were significantly higher in the neonates with PH<7/2. Seizure (p<0/01), gastero intestinal complication ( p=0/049). NICU hospitalization ≥ 1 weak (p<0/001) were significantly higher in the neonates with BE < -14. The highest diagnostic accuracy rates for respiratory complications (85%) was related to BE measured 8 hours after birth. The highest diagnostic accuracy rates for seizure (88%) and gastrointestinal (77%) complications were related to PH measured 8 hours after birth. But for renal complications (82%) and jaundice (60%) it was associated with PH at birth.
Conclusion: PH and BE can be used as reliable predictors for some early neonatal complications.
Ghomian N, Maleki Abardeh A, Moein Darbari S, Bagheri H. Diagnostic value of arterial blood gas indices in predicting early neonatal complications. SJKU 2021; 26 (3) :105-116 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-5357-en.html