1- Tehran University of Medical Sciences , akbarisari@tums.ac.ir 2- Tehran University of Medical Sciences 3- Deputy of curative affairs, MOHME
Abstract: (27047 Views)
Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate and compare the costs of MRI3Tesla and MRI1/5 Tesla in Iran in order to offer recommendations to the health system policymakers and hospital administrators in regard to the use of MRI 3 Tesla and its costs in Iran.
Material and Methods: This was an economic evaluation study which was performed by reviewing articles and economic modeling. Data were obtained from internet and the main suppliers of this technology and their representatives in Iran and also hospitals using these technologies. We divided the costs into three categories: capital costs including buildings and machinery depreciation, staff costs and other costs (costs of consumable materials, running costs and maintenance).
Results: For 1500 tests per year, the unit cost was estimated at 4,500,000 Rials per test for MRI 3 Tesla and 3,500,000 Rials for 1.5 Tesla. If the number of tests per year was 3000, the unit cost would be 2,400,000 Rials for 3 Tesla and1,900,000 Rials for 1.5 Tesla. For 6000 tests per year, the unit cost would be was 1,350,000 Rials for 3 Tesla and 1,050,000 Rials for 1.5 Tesla. For 12,000 tests per year, the unit cost would be 710,000 Rials for 3 Tesla and 560,000 Rials for 1.5 Tesla. For 24000 tests per year, the unit cost would be 373000 Rials and 300,000 Rials for 3 Tesla and 1.5 Tesla respectively.
Conclusion: For 1500 to 24000 tests per year the cost of each test with MRI 3 Tesla system in Iran, will vary between 373000 to 4527000 Rials. It is recommended that this technology be used in the centers with sufficient number of patients otherwise it may give rise to extra costs.
Keywords: MRI, 3 Tesla, Imaging modality, cost
Received: June 5, 2011 Accepted: Feb 24, 2012
Sari A A, Nejat S, Ghalichi L, Mobinizadeh M R, Khabiri R. Estimation of the costs of MRI 3 Tesla and MRI 1.5 Tesla in Iran, for the purpose of comparison. SJKU 2012; 17 (1) :71-81 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-741-en.html