1. Torkzahrani S, Dasumi S, Tansaz M, Akbarzade A. Effect Harmel Smoke Cervical Ripening, Beginning and The End of Labor. J Med His. 2016; 8(27):151-77 [In Persian]. [ DOI:10.5812/ircmj.28691] [ PMID] [ ] 2. Timmons B, Mahendroo M. Processes regulating cervical ripening differ from cervical dilation and postpartum repair: insights from gene expression studies. Reproductive sciences. 2007;14(8):53-62. [ DOI:10.1177/1933719107309587] [ PMID] 3. Najafi M, Loripoor M, Saghafi Z, Kazemi M. The effect of vaginal evening primrose on the Bishop score of term nulliparous women. Nursing Practice Today. 2019;6(4):202-11. [ DOI:10.18502/npt.v6i4.1942] 4. Gholami F, Samani L, Kashanian M, Naseri M, Hosseini A, Nejad S. Onset of labor in post-term pregnancy by chamomile. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2016;18(11). [ DOI:10.5812/ircmj.19871] 5. Mohammadinia N, Rezaei M, Loripoor M, Vazirinejad R. Assessment of the Effect of Sisymbrium Consumption on Spontaneous Labor in Nulipars. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2008;10(2):79-86[In Persian]. 6. Hofmeyr G, Gülmezoglu A, Pileggi C. Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010(10). [ DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD000941.pub2] 7. Ramsey P, Ogburn P, Harris D, Heise R, DiMarco C, Ramin K. Effect of vaginal pH on efficacy of the controlled-release dinoprostone vaginal insert for cervical ripening/labor induction. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2003;13(4):250-3. [ DOI:10.1080/jmf.] [ PMID] 8. González C, Guerra A, Llano R. Behavior of cervix during pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Ginecol Obstet Mex. 2010;78(02):132-7. 9. Shahali S, Khatame F, Abaspoor Z, Cheraghyan B. The Effect of Vaginal Capsule of Evening Primrose Oil on Cervical Ripening of Nulliparous Women with Post-term pregnancy. IJOG. 2018;21:30-8[In Persian]. 10. Bahmani S, Hesamy K, Shahgheibi S, Roshani D, Shahoei R. Comparison of the Effect of Vaginal Capsule of Evening Primrose Oil and Misoprostol on Cervical Ripening of Nulliparous Women with Post-term Pregnancy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2019 Mar 30:1-9. [ DOI:10.9734/jpri/2019/v26i330140] 11. Jahdi F, Kalati M, Kashanian M, Naseri M, Haghani H. Effect of oral evening primrose capsules on ripening of the cervix in nulliparous Iranian pregnant women (a randomized trial). Acta Medica Mediterranea. 2016;32(Specia):1273-9 12. Cunningham F, Leveno K, Bloom S, Spong C, Dashe J, Hoffman M. Williams obstetrics. 25, editor. Tehran: Arjmand Publishing; 2018. 13. Ghasemi v, Rashidifakari F, Abadi A, Ozgoli G, Kariman N, Saaigharenaz M. Methods of induction and onset of labour: a systematic review. IJOGI. 2018;21(1):90-104[Persian]. 14. Kariman N, Yousefy Jadidi M, Jam Bar Sang S, Rahbar N, Afrakhteh M, Lary H. The effect of consumption date fruit on cervical ripening and delivery outcomes. Pajoohande. 2015;20(2):72-7.[In Persian] 15. Yousefy JadidIi M, kariman N, Jam Bar Sang S, Lari H. The Effect of Date Fruit Consumption on Spontaneous Labor.Journal of Reaserch on Religion & Health 2015;1(3):4-10[In Persian]. 16. Shayan A, Ahmadinia H, Zahra Masoumi S, Shobeiri F, Moradkhani S, Sourinezhad H. The Effect of Evening Primrose and vitamin B6 on premenstrual syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. IJOG. 2019;21(12):37-48 [In Persian]. 17. Vahdat M, Tahermanesh K, Mehdizadeh Kashi M, Ashouri M, Solaymani Dodaran M, Kashanian M, et al. Evening primrose oil effect on the ease of cervical ripening and dilatation before operative hysteroscopy.Thrita. 2015;4(3):e29876.[In Persian] [ DOI:10.5812/thrita.29876] 18. Dove D, Johnson P. Oral evening primrose oil: Its effect on length of pregnancy and selected intrapartum outcomes in low-risk nulliparous women. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. 1999;44(3):320-4. [ DOI:10.1016/S0091-2182(99)00055-5] [ PMID] 19. Kordi M, Aghaei Meybodi F, Tara F, Nematy M, Shakeri M. The Effect of Date Consumption in Late Pregnancy on the Onset of Labor in Nulliparous Women. IJOG. 2013;16(77):9-15[In Persian]. 20. Diansuy N, Angela s. The effectiveness of evening primrose oil gel capsule as a cervical ripening agent during labor induction as measured by bishop score on term singleton pregnant patients. Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;41(2):1-4. 21. Hashemnejad M, Ataei M, Modarresi M, Forutan F. Investigating the effect of Primrose Capsule (Primula Flower Oil) on cervix preparation and commencement of child delivery pains. Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension. 2019;14(1):118-22. 22. Kalati M, Kashanian M, Jahdi F, Naseri M, Haghani H, Sheikhansari N. Evening primrose oil and labour, is it effective? A randomised clinical trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2018;38(4):488-92. [ DOI:10.1080/01443615.2017.1386165] [ PMID] 23. Lavender T, Bernitz S. Use of the partograph - Current thinking. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology. 2020;67:33-43. [ DOI:10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2020.03.010] [ PMID] 24. Girlie V. The efficacy of evening primrose oil as a cervical ripening agent for gynecologic procedures: A single-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015;39(1):25-8. 25. Torkzahrani S, Dasumi S, Tansaz M, Akbarzade A. Effect Harmel Smoke Cervical Ripening, Beginning and The End of Labor. J Med His. 2016; 8(27):151-77 [In Persian]. [ DOI:10.5812/ircmj.28691] [ PMID] [ ] 26. Timmons B, Mahendroo M. Processes regulating cervical ripening differ from cervical dilation and postpartum repair: insights from gene expression studies. Reproductive sciences. 2007;14(8):53-62. [ DOI:10.1177/1933719107309587] [ PMID] 27. Najafi M, Loripoor M, Saghafi Z, Kazemi M. The effect of vaginal evening primrose on the Bishop score of term nulliparous women. Nursing Practice Today. 2019;6(4):202-11. [ DOI:10.18502/npt.v6i4.1942] 28. Gholami F, Samani L, Kashanian M, Naseri M, Hosseini A, Nejad S. Onset of labor in post-term pregnancy by chamomile. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2016;18(11). [ DOI:10.5812/ircmj.19871] 29. Mohammadinia N, Rezaei M, Loripoor M, Vazirinejad R. Assessment of the Effect of Sisymbrium Consumption on Spontaneous Labor in Nulipars. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2008;10(2):79-86[In Persian]. 30. Hofmeyr G, Gülmezoglu A, Pileggi C. Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010(10). [ DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD000941.pub2] 31. Ramsey P, Ogburn P, Harris D, Heise R, DiMarco C, Ramin K. Effect of vaginal pH on efficacy of the controlled-release dinoprostone vaginal insert for cervical ripening/labor induction. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2003;13(4):250-3. [ DOI:10.1080/jmf.] [ PMID] 32. González C, Guerra A, Llano R. Behavior of cervix during pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Ginecol Obstet Mex. 2010;78(02):132-7. 33. Shahali S, Khatame F, Abaspoor Z, Cheraghyan B. The Effect of Vaginal Capsule of Evening Primrose Oil on Cervical Ripening of Nulliparous Women with Post-term pregnancy. IJOG. 2018;21:30-8[In Persian]. 34. Bahmani S, Hesamy K, Shahgheibi S, Roshani D, Shahoei R. Comparison of the Effect of Vaginal Capsule of Evening Primrose Oil and Misoprostol on Cervical Ripening of Nulliparous Women with Post-term Pregnancy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2019 Mar 30:1-9. [ DOI:10.9734/jpri/2019/v26i330140] 35. Jahdi F, Kalati M, Kashanian M, Naseri M, Haghani H. Effect of oral evening primrose capsules on ripening of the cervix in nulliparous Iranian pregnant women (a randomized trial). Acta Medica Mediterranea. 2016;32(Specia):1273-9 36. Cunningham F, Leveno K, Bloom S, Spong C, Dashe J, Hoffman M. Williams obstetrics. 25, editor. Tehran: Arjmand Publishing; 2018. 37. Ghasemi v, Rashidifakari F, Abadi A, Ozgoli G, Kariman N, Saaigharenaz M. Methods of induction and onset of labour: a systematic review. IJOGI. 2018;21(1):90-104[Persian]. 38. Kariman N, Yousefy Jadidi M, Jam Bar Sang S, Rahbar N, Afrakhteh M, Lary H. The effect of consumption date fruit on cervical ripening and delivery outcomes. Pajoohande. 2015;20(2):72-7.[In Persian] 39. Yousefy JadidIi M, kariman N, Jam Bar Sang S, Lari H. The Effect of Date Fruit Consumption on Spontaneous Labor.Journal of Reaserch on Religion & Health 2015;1(3):4-10[In Persian]. 40. Shayan A, Ahmadinia H, Zahra Masoumi S, Shobeiri F, Moradkhani S, Sourinezhad H. The Effect of Evening Primrose and vitamin B6 on premenstrual syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. IJOG. 2019;21(12):37-48 [In Persian]. 41. Vahdat M, Tahermanesh K, Mehdizadeh Kashi M, Ashouri M, Solaymani Dodaran M, Kashanian M, et al. Evening primrose oil effect on the ease of cervical ripening and dilatation before operative hysteroscopy.Thrita. 2015;4(3):e29876.[In Persian] [ DOI:10.5812/thrita.29876] 42. Dove D, Johnson P. Oral evening primrose oil: Its effect on length of pregnancy and selected intrapartum outcomes in low-risk nulliparous women. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. 1999;44(3):320-4. [ DOI:10.1016/S0091-2182(99)00055-5] [ PMID] 43. Kordi M, Aghaei Meybodi F, Tara F, Nematy M, Shakeri M. The Effect of Date Consumption in Late Pregnancy on the Onset of Labor in Nulliparous Women. IJOG. 2013;16(77):9-15[In Persian]. 44. Diansuy N, Angela s. The effectiveness of evening primrose oil gel capsule as a cervical ripening agent during labor induction as measured by bishop score on term singleton pregnant patients. Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;41(2):1-4. 45. Hashemnejad M, Ataei M, Modarresi M, Forutan F. Investigating the effect of Primrose Capsule (Primula Flower Oil) on cervix preparation and commencement of child delivery pains. Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension. 2019;14(1):118-22. 46. Kalati M, Kashanian M, Jahdi F, Naseri M, Haghani H, Sheikhansari N. Evening primrose oil and labour, is it effective? A randomised clinical trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2018;38(4):488-92. [ DOI:10.1080/01443615.2017.1386165] [ PMID] 47. Lavender T, Bernitz S. Use of the partograph - Current thinking. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology. 2020;67:33-43. [ DOI:10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2020.03.010] [ PMID] 48. Girlie V. The efficacy of evening primrose oil as a cervical ripening agent for gynecologic procedures: A single-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015;39(1):25-8.