1- Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch , izadimojtaba2006@yahoo.com 2- Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch
Abstract: (16151 Views)
Background and Aim: Although both insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction contribute to pathogenesis of type II diabetes, the role of adiponectin in beta cell function has received limited attention. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between serum adiponectin level and beta cell function.
Material and methods: Forty one non athletes fat adult men between 35 and 50 years of age (BMI≥30) with type II diabetes were enrolled in this study. Serum concentrations of adiponectin, glucose, triglyceride and insulin were measured after 10-12 hours overnight fasting in all participants. Beta cell function was assessed by measuring fasting glucose and insulin level. After data collection, we used Pearson correlation test to determine the relationship between adiponectin and beta-cell function in patients with type II diabetes (p≤0.05).
Result: The results of this study didn't show any significant relationship between serum adiponectin and beta cell function (p=0.145). Visceral fat (p=0.010) and serum triglycerides had a negative significant relationship with fasting adiponectin (p=0.004). Also there was a significant linear relationship between fasting adiponectin and insulin (p=0.015).
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that despite the presence of a relationship between adiponectin and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, this hormone had no relation with beta cell function in these patients and it is not a suitable indicator for prediction of beta cell function.
Keywords: Type II diabetic, adiponectin, beta cell function.
Conflict of Interest: Nill
Received: Dec 27, 2010 Accepted: March 18, 2011
Izadi M, Zarifian A, Aghdami A, Khorshidi D, Samarikhalaj H R. Investigation of the relationship between adiponectin and beta-cell function in patients with type II diabetes. SJKU 2011; 16 (2) :1-8 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-530-en.html