1- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences 2- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences , Heydari132@muk.ac.ir
Abstract: (11956 Views)
Introduction: In all countries a part of household income is spent on health-related costs. The amount and distribution of this financial contribution impose a significant burden of health problems to communities. The aim of this study was to determine the percentage of household’s direct payments for health care services and health equipment in Kurdistan.
Material and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 1518 households living in urban and rural areas of Kurdistan, in winter of 1388, and they were divided into 150 clusters. Every cluster included 10 households. Data were collected by using a questionnaire consisted of two parts: household characteristics and household health expenses including outpatient costs, the costs of hospitalization, medicines, medical equipment, nursing care, paramedical and medical diagnostic measures. The costs of outpatient health care services (visits, diagnosis, drug prescription and medical devices) and hospitalization were determined during four weeks for each member of the family or the total costs and expenses paid by the household were recorded in the questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed by using spss.16 software and mean, standard deviation and median were calculated.
Results: People contribution for prescription drugs was 43/3% and for other non-prescription drugs and consumer goods was 100%, for durable medical equipment 95/4%, for diagnostic measures especially in private offices, clinics or home 75/5%.Household contributions to the cost of medical services by GP, medical specialists, psychiatrists and dentists were 62/3%, 76/5%, 75/5% and 80/9 % respectively. 13/8% of the inpatient fees were paid by the patients. The mean cost of family health services in our study was 85380±252012 with a median of 41050 Toman .The out-of-pocket payment by people was 55%.
Conclusions: In general, considering the high percentage of people’s contribution to health service costs, expansion of the roles of the insurance organizations to achieve the objectives of coverage of over 90% of population and increasing public and private sector contribution to more than 70 % in health services, is essential.
Key Words: Health cost, Households contribution, Medicaid, Inpatient services
Received: Aug 19, 2012 Accepted: Jan 28, 2013
Conflict of interest: None declared
Gharibi F, Heidari A, Zarei M. Percentage of out-of-pocket payment for health services by people of Kurdistan in 2010. SJKU 2013; 18 (3) :20-28 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-1122-en.html