1- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences 2- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences , shogargoftari@ymail.com 3- Kurdistan Province Industry, Mine & Trade organization
Abstract: (21610 Views)
Background and aim: Daily bread supplies a great portion of energy, minerals and vitamins necessary for human. In recent decades, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) which causes rapid leavening of dough, and extra salt which compensate dough deficiencies have been used widely in Iran. Soda can cause digestive problems and block the absorption of calcium, iron and other essential elements necessary for the body. Moreover the extra salt creates serious damages, especially in the patients suffering from hypertension or kidney diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of soda utilization in the bakeries of Kurdistan Province, in Iran from 2008 to 2010 and to find proper ways to decrease use of soda and salt in bakeries.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive – analytical study which was carried out between 2008 and 2010 in Kurdistan Province, in Iran. The salt percentage and pH of the samples of baked bread were measured according to the specifications and test methods of the Institute of Standard and Industrial Research, for traditional breads (Standard Number 2628). pH above 6.3 indicates presence of soda, and pH lower than this value indicates no soda in bread. Also the allowable salt percentage value is 2.3, and higher values indicate presence of extra salt.
Results: The result of the tests on 2098 bread between 2008 and 2010 showed an mean pH of 6.01±0.32 for all types of bread. The mean PH values were: 6.24±0.74, 5.86±.57 and 6.00±0.26 for Barbari, Sangak and Lavash bread respectively which showed significant differences. The mean value of salt percentage was 2.19±0.26.
Conclusion: In our study, the mean pH of the bread in the bakeries was in the normal range but the mean salt percentage was slightly higher than the standard value which could be due to flour quality. Despite prohibition of use of soda in baking bread ratified by Ministry of Health and Medical Education, it is still used by the bakeries, more commonly in Barbari than Sangak and Lavash bread. The use of salt is also on the rise.
Kay words: Sodium bicarbonate, Salt, Bread, Bakery
Received: Dec 10, 2011 Accepted: Apr 24, 2013
Conflict of interest: None declared
Zabihollahi T, Goftari S, Garibi F, Naderi K, Korani A, Danesh O, et al . Investigation of the amount of sodium bicarbonate and salt in different types of bread in the bakeries of Kurdistan Province from 1387 to 1389. SJKU 2013; 18 (3) :39-46 URL: http://sjku.muk.ac.ir/article-1-1124-en.html