:: Volume 16, Issue 4 (Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences 2012) ::
SJKU 2012, 16(4): 70-82 Back to browse issues page
An overview on rapid diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis by galactomannan antigen detection.
Mohammad Taghi Hedayati1 , Sadegh Khodaveisy 2, Behrooz Davari3 , Ghasem Zamini3
1- Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
2- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences , 7392008@yahoo.com
3- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (13716 Views)
ABSTRACT Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in severely immuno-compromised patients. Despite the advances made in diagnostic methods, accurate diagnosis of IA is not easy. At the present time, in Iran, the diagnosis is most often made based on a combination of clinical and abnormal radiologic findings, which are nonspecific, and the treatment is often given without establishing the diagnosis. Considering the invasive and progressive nature of the disease, if proper diagnostic methods are not used, control of the disease will be difficult. Therefore establishing the diagnosis of IA at an early stage by non-invasive and specific methods is necessary for early successful treatment. The detection of circulating galactomannan (GM) antigen in serum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid and tissue has become an important method for the early diagnosis of IA. Recent data have indicated that this test has a high specify and sensitivity and is more valuable than other methods such as culture and CT scan. In general this method is non-invasive, time-saving and specific which permits early treatment of the disease and helps physicians to select the proper treatment and other clinical measures. Certainly, well designed prospective studies with systematic sampling and use of accepted definitions are required to compare the efficiency of antigen detection in different samples and population. Kaywords: Invasive aspergillosis, Galactomannan, Diagnosis Received: May 14, 2011 Accepted: Nov 5, 2011 Conflict of interest: Nill
Keywords: Invasive aspergillosis, Galactomannan, Diagnosis
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/12/3 | Published: 2012/01/15

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Volume 16, Issue 4 (Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences 2012) Back to browse issues page